- Normal I
- Normal II
- Earwax (cerumen)
- Swimmer's osteoma
- Fungal ear I
- Fungal ear II
- Acute viral ear
- Acute secretory otitis media I
- Resolving secretory otitis media
- Acute secretory otitis media II
- Acute secretory otitis media III
- Perforation following an acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM)
- Childhood glue ear
- Glue ear in a child with a dermoid cyst in the eardrum
- Adult glue ear
- A standard ventilation tube in the membrane
- Infected mini grommet with otitis externa secondary to a mucus discharge
- Permanent ventilation tube in place
- Large perforation of the tympanic membrane
- A posterior perforation of the tympanic membrane
- 2 small traumatic perforations following a blow to the ear
- Subtotal perforation of the tympanic membrane
- Perforation with tympanosclerosis
- Grommet scar healed
- Tympanosclerosis of tympanic membrane
- Posterior retraction
- Retraction onto long process of the incus
- Retraction with loss of long process of the incus and keratin trail
- Retraction with loss of long process of the incus
- Posterior retraction pocket onto jugular bulb and with middle ear fluid
- Retraction with early keratin buildup
- Childhood attic retraction
- Deep attic retraction
- Attic retraction accumulation keratin - underlying cholesteatoma
- Extensive accumulation with cholesteatoma in middle ear
- Wet cholesteatoma
- Clean dry reconstructed mastoid cavity
- Old style mastoid cavity with residual cholesteatoma
- Mastoid cavity with fistula into lateral semicircular canal
- Congenital cholesteatoma
- Large congenital cholesteatoma
- Ear canal cholesteatoma I
- Ear canal cholesteatoma II
- Keratosis obturans
- Glomus tympanicum tumors
- Glomus jugulare tumor
- Foreign bodies
- Aural polyp

SB52823 Digital Ear Examination Trainer
SB52823 Digital Ear Examination Trainer
- 數量
Ear conditions:
Digital Ear Examination Trainer - Light, SB52823 SB52823