

1x1 tDCS
1x1 單頻道經顱直流電刺激系統

Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS 是由臨床研究人員、科學家和生物醫學工程師開發,旨在提供精確的tDCS 研究。開創性和關鍵性的 tDCS 研究仰賴於單頻道儀器,此儀器以簡單的設置和編程、直觀的控制以及一流 tDCS 配件完美整合而著稱。獨特的功能令使用者能專注於受刺激對象和實驗,而不是儀器。



1x1-tDCS 提供最準確的經顱直流電刺激技術。



Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS 是由臨床研究人員、科學家和生物醫學工程師開發,旨在提供精確的tDCS 研究。開創性和關鍵性的 tDCS 研究仰賴於單頻道儀器,此儀器以簡單的設置和編程、直觀的控制以及一流 tDCS 配件完美整合而著稱。獨特的功能令使用者能專注於受刺激對象和實驗,而不是儀器。

電流強度從0.1至5 mA,電流時間從5至40分鐘,較高的電流強度可透過特別的配件來達成。此款1x1 tDCS 能比其他系統提供更高的耐受性,傳統的tDCS 是1mA 和2mA,而本系統提供耐受性最高的刺激,意味著使用本系統的研究會有最符合規範和可靠的假刺激 (sham) 表現。Soterix Medical 1x1 系統之所以能提供這樣可靠的電流,是由於它具有最先進的設備和配件技術。

Soterix Medical 1x1 系統提供準確的tDCS 技術。每個1x1 設備都內置了最先進的監控和控制系統,每秒會更新表現和反應超過1000次。在整個刺激過程中系統都會維護著刺激輸出的保真度 (signal-to-noise),即使電極條件改變亦然。因為精確控制輸出的波型對刺激效果和安全性最為重要。

Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS 系統是唯一經過驗證的高強度應用設備。

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at 4 mA Induces Greater Leg Muscle Fatigability in Women Compared to Men. Brain Sciences 2020 Craig D Workman, Alexandra C Fietsam, Thorsten Rudroff
Adaptive current tDCS up to 4 mA. Brain Stimulation 2020 Niranjan Khadka, Helen Borges, Bhaskar Paneri, Trynia Kaufman, Electra Nassis, Adantchede L Zannou, Yungjae Shin, Hyeongseob Choi, Seonghoon Kim, Kiwon Lee, Marom Bikson
Increased leg muscle fatigability during 2 mA and 4 mA transcranial direct current stimulation over the left motor cortex. Experimental Brain Research 2020 Craig D Workman, John Kamholz, Thorsten Rudroff
The Tolerability and Efficacy of 4 mA Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Leg Muscle Fatigability. Brain Sciences 2019 Craig D Workman, John Kamholz, Thorsten Rudroff
Different Effects of 2 mA and 4 mA Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Muscle Activity and Torque in a Maximal Isokinetic Fatigue Task. Front Hum Neuroscience 2020 Craig David Workman, Alexandra C Fietsam, Thorsten Rudroff



  • 電池持續時間:3 hrs
  • 最大輸出電流:2000 µA DC ± 1%
  • 最大輸出電壓:40V ± 5%
  • 連接頭類型:shielded banana
  • 刺激時間:up to 40 minutes
  • 可調電流強度: up to 2,000 µA



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  • 電池持續時間:3 hrs
  • 最大輸出電流:2000 µA DC ± 1%
  • 最大輸出電壓:40V ± 5%
  • 連接頭類型:shielded banana
  • 刺激時間:up to 40 minutes
  • 可調電流強度: up to 2,000 µA

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at 4 mA Induces Greater Leg Muscle Fatigability in Women Compared to Men. Brain Sciences 2020 Craig D Workman, Alexandra C Fietsam, Thorsten Rudroff
Adaptive current tDCS up to 4 mA. Brain Stimulation 2020 Niranjan Khadka, Helen Borges, Bhaskar Paneri, Trynia Kaufman, Electra Nassis, Adantchede L Zannou, Yungjae Shin, Hyeongseob Choi, Seonghoon Kim, Kiwon Lee, Marom Bikson
Increased leg muscle fatigability during 2 mA and 4 mA transcranial direct current stimulation over the left motor cortex. Experimental Brain Research 2020 Craig D Workman, John Kamholz, Thorsten Rudroff
The Tolerability and Efficacy of 4 mA Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Leg Muscle Fatigability. Brain Sciences 2019 Craig D Workman, John Kamholz, Thorsten Rudroff
Different Effects of 2 mA and 4 mA Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Muscle Activity and Torque in a Maximal Isokinetic Fatigue Task. Front Hum Neuroscience 2020 Craig David Workman, Alexandra C Fietsam, Thorsten Rudroff

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